Last Modified: October 3, 2023
The Harpers Ferry Area Heritage Society (HFAHS) was incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) organization October, 2013 and received our tax-exempt status effective November, 2013. Our EIN # is: 46-450-4191. We have a board of Directors (9) with a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. Jane Hasek, President has been instrumental in development of this proposal with assistance from our grant committee and officers. The grant committee has assistance from the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Affiliate Consultant. Dr. Hasek is the Founding Chancellor of Allen College, a health science college in Waterloo, Iowa and has a great deal of experience in development of a private college and new college campus with several buildings which includes planning, construction, fund raising and capital campaigns.
Those involved in the administration of the project are the officers, board of directors, building committee, grant committee, fund raising group, exhibit committee with representation from each of the seven organizations who will be involved in the exhibits. We have a great deal of involvement and active volunteers with expertise in construction, planning, investments, journalist, Pulitzer Prize photographer & artist, curator and director of a museum who lives in Harpers Ferry, graphic designer, community foundation director and many others. Harpers Ferry, being a strong retirement community has a lot of talented people who are active with the HFAHS. We have a close relationship with the Harpers Ferry Boosters, Inc. As President, Dr. Hasek will oversee the project and serve on each committee. The Treasurer has established a separate checking account for the Harpers Ferry Museum project so we can keep close account of all donations (including grants), pledges and expenditures.
The pandemic (COVID) adversely impacted our momentum and planning activity. We could only get two estimates of cost because of the volatile and rising prices. It really set us back a couple of years but we are in “full swing” now.
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