Originally the one-room rural school on the Great River Road, in Taylor Township (Allamakee County, Iowa), was called Spring Brook School as noted on documents in the mid to late 1800’s. In the early 1900’s The water behind the school was provided by a spring which had a constant oily film on the surface of the pool by the spring and it was given the obvious name – Oil Springs. The name of the Spring Brook School was changed to Oil Springs School at that time (around 1915-1917), documented by contracts and eighth grade graduation programs.
Classmates Reunite for A Photo Recreation
Alice Evanson (top right of picture) taught at Oil Springs School in the mid-early 1900’s. Like most one room school houses, class sizes were generally …
Historic Stories, Oil Springs School
Oil Springs School Moves to New Location
The Oil Springs School, a one-room rural schoolhouse, and outhouse was previously located on the Great River Road, north of Harpers Ferry near Mohn’s Fish …